--- title: RVM Ruby Version Manager | Ruby description: Some notes and useful tips on using rvm to manage Rubies --- # RVM | Ruby ## `rvm list known' not showing latest rubies Published: Sat, July 30, 2022. ```shell-session $ rvm --version rvm 1.29.12 (latest) by Michal Papis, Piotr Kuczynski, Wayne E. Seguin [https://rvm.io] $ rvm list known # MRI Rubies (some output redacted) [ruby-]1.9.3[-p551] [ruby-]2.7[.2] [ruby-]3[.0.0] ruby-head ``` For some reason, `rvm list known` did not show ruby 3.1.2. Still, running `rvm install ruby-3.1.2` worked. `rvm` itself had just been upgraded to the latest version with `nvm get stable`. - [My comment on StackOverflow (question about Ruby 3.1 on macOS)](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70672711/whats-the-right-string-to-use-when-installing-ruby-3-1-through-rvm-on-mac-os-bi#comment129235266_70673017). ## Default Ruby on New Shells Make ruby-3.1.2 the default for new shell sessions: ```shell-session $ rvm --default use ruby-3.1.2 ``` - [Default Ruby on RVM docs](https://rvm.io/rubies/default).