Search and Replace Until Next UpperCase Char

We have this JSdoc comment:

 * @typedef {function(function(Value): Value): LeftContainer} LeftMapFn

We want to replace “Left” with “Right”. There are several ways we could do it. One of them is to change until the next uppercase character.

The cursor is under the “@” character:

@typedef {function(function(Value): Value): LeftContainer} LeftMapFn

In NORMAL MODE, we type this sequence: f L. Now, the cursor is under “L”:

...Value): LeftContainer} LeftMapFn

Then, start the editing proper with this sequence: c / \ u Enter. Now you have:

... Value): Container} LeftContainer
  • c is the command for change

  • / starts a forward search

  • \u means “match an uppercase character”

  • <Enter> finally executes the entire command.

Note that that occurrence of “Left” is no more, and that you are in INSERT MODE. Type “Right” then Esc to go into NORMAL MODE. At this point we have this:

... Value): RightContainer} LeftContainer

Now we type ; do repeat the last f L search and the cursor gets positioned on the next “L” from “LeftMapFn”:

... Value): RightContainer} LeftContainer

We finally type . to repeat the last modification, which means it replaces “Left” with “Right”. Our final result is this:

 * @typedef {function(function(Value): Value): RightContainer} RightMapFn

Some Thoughts

Had we used c t L to also search for the next uppercase, then we wouldn’t be able to use ; to repeat the search for the next “L”, but worse, we would not be able to repeat the change from “Left” to “Right” with simply typing ..

TL;DR command

So, we have this text:

@typedef {function(function(Value): Value): LeftContainer} LeftMapFn

With the cursor under “@”, he entire sequence goes like this (the spaces are just to improve readability, not to be actually typed):

fL c/\u Right <Esc> ; .

We end up with this text:

@typedef {function(function(Value): Value): RightContainer} RightMapFn


From Vim built-in help:

  • :help 04.2

  • :help \\u

  • :help ;

  • :help .