Mini Max Sum


Solution 1

 * Add `x` and `y` together.
 * - T.C: O(1).
 * - S.C: O(1).
 * @sig Number Number -> Number
 * @param {number} x
 * @param {number} y
 * @returns {number}
function add(x, y) {
  return x + y;

 * Sort callback for ascending order.
 * - T.C: O(1).
 * - S.C: O(1).
 * @sig Int Int -> Int
 * @param {number} a
 * @param {number} b
 * @return {number}
function sortAsc(x, y) {
  return x - y;

 * Finds the min and max sum of the five-integer array.
 * ASSUME: The input always contains five positive integers and is
 * sorted in ascending order.
 * - T.C: O(n).
 * - S.C: O(n).
 * @sig [Int] -> { min: Int, max: Int }
 * @param {number} xs
 * @returns {{ min: number, max: number }}
function miniMaxSum(xs) {
  var sorted = [...xs].sort(sortAsc);

  return {
    min: sorted.slice(0, 4).reduce(add, 0),
    max: sorted.slice(1).reduce(add, 0),

Time complexity of \(O(n)\) because there is spread, sort, slice and reduce (which are all some sort of lopping internally), but neither is nested inside one another. So even though it is more like \(O(4n)\), it simplifies to \(O(n)\).

Space complexity of \(O(n)\) as xs is sorted and stored for further use.

Solution 2

Reuses add() from earlier.

 * Finds the min and max sum of the five-integer array.
 * ASSUME: The input always contains five positive integers and is
 * sorted in ascending order.
 * - T.C: O(n²).
 * - S.C: O(n).
 * @sig [Int] -> { min: Int, max: Int }
 * @param {number} xs
 * @returns {{ min: number, max: number }}
function miniMaxSum(xs) {
  var smallerXs = xs.slice(0, 4);
  var largerXs = xs.slice(0, 4);
  var rest = xs.slice(4);

  var i, max, min, cur;

  for (i = 0; i < rest.length; ++i) {
    cur = rest[i];
    max = Math.max(...smallerXs);
    min = Math.min(...largerXs);

    if (cur < max)
      smallerXs[i] = cur;

    if (cur > min)
      largerXs[i] = cur;

  return {
    min: smallerXs.reduce(add, 0),
    max: largerXs.reduce(add, 0),

Make the first four elements of xs be both an array of smaller and larger numbers.

Then, iterate over rest (actually a single [xs] as the input is always an array of five elements) and see if that single element is less than, or greater than the min and max element in smallerXs and largerXs respectively.

Finally, sum both arrays to produce the object { min, max } as the final result.