Vowel Count

Example Input

vowelCount ""
//=> 0
// No chars, zero vowels.

vowelCount "xyz"
//=> 0
// No vowels in the string.

-- All 5 chars are vowels.
vowelCount "aeiou"
//=> 5
// All chars are vowels.

vowelCount "yaeiou"
//=> 5
// “y” is not considered a vowel in this challenge.

vowelCount "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"
//=> 0
// Only consonant chars on the string.



isVowel :: Char -> Bool
isVowel c = elem c "aeiou"

incIf :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Int -> Int
incIf f v n = case (f v) of
  True -> (+) n 1
  _    -> n

-- T.C: O(n)
-- S.C: O(1)
vowelCount :: [Char] -> Int
vowelCount str = go str 0
    go :: [Char] -> Int -> Int
    go [] cnt           = cnt
    go (chr : []) cnt   = go [] (incIf isVowel chr cnt)
    go (chr : chrs) cnt = go chrs (incIf isVowel chr cnt)

Here the “go function” pattern is used. It uses pattern matching for the empty string and the string with a single char, or a string with a char and “more string”.

incIf takes a predicate function and returns a boolean. It uses the predicate to decide if it should increment the cnt accumulator or not.

The time complexity is \(O(n)\) as we iterate over the entire input once. The iteration of the vowels in isVowel is of little concern as it is a short string, with known length so we simplify to \(O(1)\).

The space complexity is \(O(1)\) as our function doesn’t need extra storage besides a numeric variable accumulator.


isVowel :: Char -> Bool
isVowel = (`elem` "aeiou")

-- T.C: O(n).
-- S.C: O(1).
vowelCount :: [Char] -> Int
vowelCount = length . filter isVowel

Point-free style and function composition. T.C. \(O(1)\) because computing the result of filter and length is done on a single pass.


isVowel :: Char -> Bool
isVowel = (`elem` "aeiou")

-- T.C: O(n).
-- S.C: O(1).
vowelCount :: [Char] -> Int
vowelCount str = length [c | c <- str, isVowel c]

Using list comprenhesions.



function isVowel(chr) {
  return "aeiou".includes(chr);

 * T.C: O(n).
 * S.C: O(n).
 * @param {string} str
 * @returns {number}
function vowelCount(str) {
  return [...str].reduce(function count(memo, chr) {
    return isVowel(chr) ? memo + 1 : memo;
  }, 0);

Time complexity is \(O(n)\) because we reduce (iterate once) to compute the count (through the memo reducer param). Even though we spread the string ([...str]) which is another form of loop happening behind the scenes (which means we have \(O(n * 2)\)), we do not have nested loops some T.C. is simplified to \(O(n)\).

As for the space complexity, we spread the string, thus creating a copy of it, it has S.C. \(O(n)\).


 * T.C: O(n).
 * S.C: O(1).
 * @param {string} str
 * @returns {number}
function vowelCount(str) {
  let count = 0;

  for (let c of str)
    if (isVowel(c)) ++count;

  return count;

We use the same isVowel() from the previous solution.

Instead of spreading and then reducing, we simply iterate over each char of the input string. With reduce, we need a callback function. With the simple for/of, we don’t even need that.

The T.C. is \(O(n)\) as we iterate once (really only once, unlike the previous example).

The S.C. is \(O(1)\) this time as we don’t make a copy of the string as in the previous example.


const lookup = {
  a: true,
  e: true,
  i: true,
  o: true,
  u: true,

 * T.C: O(n).
 * S.C: O(1).
 * @param {string} str
 * @returns {number}
function vowelCount(str) {
  let count = 0;

  for (let c of str)
    if (lookup[c]) ++count;

  return count;

This time we use a simple lookup table, which allows us not to have to do the loop implicit by includes() in the previously used isVowel() helper function.

Because objects allow for constant time \(O(1)\) access in JavaScript, this is a nice approach too. It doesn’t cause the if condition to have to do a loop to check for the “vowelness” of the current character of the iteration.

Also, we could have used 1 instead of true for the lookup table values, but then the engine would have to coerce them to bools before actually performing the check.

The T.C. of this solution is \(O(n)\), but in reality, is is likely to be the more performant of the JS solutions shown here so far.

The S.C. is \(O(1)\). The small lookup table is small with a known length of 5, so it is considered constant space complexity.